NewsHappy adrenaline sailing, well …racing!

September 16, 2024

12:00, Monday 16th September 2024, Alimos Marina N.C.Kalamaki, Greece.

Another successful weekend back to back was registered for OPTIMUM Sailing Academy two Dehler 30s in Agistri Race, a 21-mile race from Faliro to the picturesque island Agistri in the Saronic Gulf on Saturday and  back on Sunday.  OPTIMUM 4 managed to win both legs of the race and LAVORO III scored 10th on Saturday and 2nd place on Sunday in the Performance category and ended up 1st and 7th overall respectively in Agistri Race.  Light to medium wind conditions up to 16 knots prevailed on Saturday, followed by stronger westerlies up to 25 knots on Sunday, in broad reaching angles that allowed the little O.S.A. rockets to record speeds up to 17 knots in up to 25 knots of wind.  

“The O.S.A. initiative born from Team OPTIMUM and heartedly supported and sponsored by LALIZAS and PERFORMANCE TECHNOLOGIES really blossomed this second in a row successful racing weekend.   I say this because I was on board OPTIMUM 4 coaching a fantastic and passionate group of 4 youngsters, the older being 26.  Giving back to the sport I served for more than 50 years in the form of sharing the experiences with the young generation, and passing serious know-how to eager to learn and hard working young guys is what satisfies me more than sailing itself nowadays.  On Saturday the conditions allowed me to challenge them to be patient, stay concentrated and stick their head out of the boat and look for justified opportunities to move steadily to the lead.  On Sunday, the straight forward steady heavy conditions made the challenge be to sail the boat to its absolute limit, right on the edge.  And boy they did so big time, and the smile on their faces speed/surfing in 17 knots meant a lot to me and hopefully will seduce them to stay in the sport for the years to come and help the sport grow as others have done before them”,  says O.S.A. Principal and Team OPTIMUM co-leader Periklis Livas.

The O.S.A. initiative is there for anyone who want to immerse in serious offshore racing, put the hard work and rip the “rewards” by committing afterwards to Team OPTIMUM or other new or established teams.  Especially to the young sailor athletes from Olympic classes like George Papadopoulos-Kouklakis, Lefteris Grispos and Lampis Giannoulis  we hope it works as an eye-opener for what offshore sailing has to offer for a lifetime after or in conjunction with their Olympic aspirations that we all had up to some point.   

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