PASSION for sailing

Team News

Optimum base, N.C.Kalamaki, 7 July 2022, 11:00. Few days left before the Sunday 14:00hrs start of the Aegean 600, Team OPTIMUM-Samos Steamship is finalizing all details to compete with OPTIMUM S in the top offshore event of Eastern Mediterranean in Greece’s Aegean Sea.  It will be the first 600-mile non-stop race with OPTIMUM S /Carkeek...

Back in our N.C.Kalamaki base, 21 June 2022, 19:00. Outright victory in the last race of the 59th Aegean Rally from Volissos, Chios to Cape Sounio propelled Team OPTIMUM-Samos Steamaship on the podium. With a scorecard of 4,4,3,1, Team OPTIMUM concluded its participation in the 59th Aegean Rally in 3rd place. Following back to back...

Volissos, Chios Island after race3 of 59th Aegean Rally, 16 June 2022. Team OPTIMUM-Samos Steamship continues racing in the 59th Aegean Rally. Two more races took place starting and finishing in Marina Limnia, Volissos. Race 2 was a 45 miles trip to Venetico rock and back in fresh meltemi wind conditions. Race 3 was a...

Volissos, Chios Island after race1 of 59th Aegean Rally, 12 June 2022.Photo: Nikos Alevromytis Team OPTIMUM-Samos Steamship competes for 28th time in the 29 years that Team OPTIMUM exists, in the Aegean Rally. Organized by H.O.R.C, the 59th edition proves that it is oldest offshore event in the Med. Beyond any doubt it is through...

10:00, Thursday 9th June 2022, Alimos, Greece. OPTIMUM Sailing Academy Dehler 30ods AETHER and OPTIMUM 4 competed in Posidonia Cup last Friday chartered by THENAMARIS and LALIZAS for the prestigious event respectively. Both crews put the training time before hand to get used to the boat to maximize the fun factor during the race itself....

10:00, Thursday 9th June 2022, Alimos, Greece. Team OPTIMUM-Samos Steamship continues training on its new racing boat Carkeek 47 Grand Prix yacht OPTIMUM S and most importantly racing as much as possible ahead of the 59th Aegean Rally and the 2nd edition of the AEGEAN 600. As such, last weekend OPTIMUM S competed in the...

Monday, 30 May 2022, 20:00 OPTIMUM Sailing Academy entered LAVORO III and OPTIMUM 4 Dehler 30ods in the Spring Series organized by N.A.O.VOULAS. The two Academy boats of N.C. Kalamaki raced “Kea 2022” in full crew mode by passionate sailing enthusiasts enrolled in the Academy, friends and O.S.A. co-founders Prodromos Petridis and Meletis Paterakis. The...

Monday, 16 May 2022, 10:00, Alimos, Greece. OPTIMUM Yacht Racing Team members have worked hard to prep their newly acquired racing boat OPTIMUM S for racing. And racing with her commenced for the first time over two consecutive weekends in the 12 th ATHENS Trophy 2022, the top inshore round the cans event in the...

NewsChampagne Splash!

April 24, 2022

18:00, Tuesday 19th April 2022, Alimos, Greece. After a month of hard work in full Team OPTIMUM spirit, time for OPTIMUM S to hit the water has come.  More than 20 Team OPTIMUM-Samos Steamship team members, family, friends and fans joined and made the celebration memorable.  N.C. Kalamaki Commodore George Christopoulos and H.O.R.C. Commodore Yiannis Maragoudakis along with Yiannis Inglessis of our proud sponsor Samos Steamship Co. were present to share...