PASSION for sailing

Team News

Kalamaki, Greece, 3 days before the start of 58th AEGEAN Rally.Photo credit: Nikos Alevromytis It is only a week ago that Team OPTIMUM-Samos Steamship crossed the finish line of the inaugural AEGEAN 600 posting a 2nd place in IRC and 1st in ORC standings.  As planned, after 2 days of rest, team members resumed operations,  checked...

Back to Optimum base, July 9, 2021Photo: Fanis Dalezios, Bow Department It was an experience beyond expectation, 600 times better.  We prepared OPTIMUM 3 to be unbreakable.  We put together an eager crew early enough and had time to sail and train together, work on the shifts, the cooking, the liquids on board, slept on...

OLYMPIC Marine, Lavrio, Sunday 4 July 2021, 07:00. The sun is up, so is our OPTIMUM spirit and expectations. In less than 7 hours a fleet of 40 offshore sailing yachts from 16 countries will embark to the mythical course of the AEGEAN 600 Yacht Race. Team OPTIMUM-Samos Steamship will hit the start line in...

Kalamaki, Greece, 10 days before the start of 1st AEGEAN 600. It is no secret that the top event for the 28th Team OPTIMUM-Samos Steamship season is the inaugural AEGEAN 600. Crew Boss Nikos Apostolakis initially drafted a lineup with a full veteran’s lineup of no less than seven Rolex Middle Sea Races on OPTIMUM...

Kalamaki, Athens, Greece, June 10th, 2021.“It has been a long journey and the future looks more promising than ever”, says Team OPTIMUM-Samos Steamship co-principal Periklis Livas. Although the covid-19 pandemic limited the Team’s racing in 2020 and early 2021, a lot of decisions and  actions were taken in time to allow the team go full...

Published at Sailing World (Greek Edition), Issue 147, October 2020. – Translated in English by Team Optimum. Original greek version here. Interview with: Panagiotis Dimitrakopoulos, Head of the Communication & Marketing Team of the Aegean Rally. We, the editorial team of ‘Istioploikos Kosmos’ (Sailing World) magazine issued by Hellenic Offshore Racing Club(H.O.R.C), thought that...

Πρώτη έκδοση από το περιοδικό του ΠΟΙΑΘ Ιστιοπλοϊκός Κόσμος, Τεύχος 147, Νοέμβριος 2020.Συνέντευξη στον: Παναγιώτη ∆ηµητρακόπουλο, Επικεφαλή της οµάδας Επικοινωνίας & Marketing του Ράλλυ Αιγαίου. Ως συντακτική οµάδα του Ιστιοπλοϊκού Κόσµου σκεφτήκαµε, ότι το πιό επίκαιρο θα ήταν να πάρουµε συνέντευξη από τους συντελεστές της οµάδας Optimum – Samos Steamship που αναδείχθησαν νικητές του 57oυ...

Alimos Marina, Monday September 14th, 2020 Our tireless Farr 52 One Design OPTIMUM 3 sits on its cradle  since Andros Race and other scheduled races are being canceled for safety reasons due to the covid-19 situation. Upon consultation with our partner Samos Steamship we elected to resume racing with OPTIMUM 3 for Hydra Race in...

Kalamaki, Athens, Greece.  Tuesday, July 21, 2020. Team OPTIMUM-Samos Steamship added a 1st and a 2nd place on race 3 and 4 of the 57th Aegean Rally and by doing so ended up with a scoreline of 1,4,1,2 and on equal points with Team Velos of Rio bronze Medalist duo of Mantis-Kagialis with a scoreline...

Kalamaki, Athens, Greece.  Monday, July 13, 2020 We are back in racing mode competing in the 57th edition of the Aegean Rally for 26th time out of 27 years of Team OPTIMUM existence.  It is the longest and most challenging regatta in Greece that provided so many experiences and depth in our arsenal and prepared...